Nude Californian Massage in Paris (6th, 8th, 12th arr.) and Neuilly-sur-Seine


Nude Californian Massage (SZEN) in Paris and Neuilly

The Californian massage is a global approach that aims to relax as well as awaken a psycho corporeal consciousness. This massage uses long, slow, fluid movements that allow for deep physical and psychic relaxation.

The nude massage (SZEN) is based on the Californian massage


Starting with a gentle and relaxing effleurage massage, the maneuvers are connected and intensified to ease deeper tensions. This can bring about and release hidden emotions, inscribed in the body's memory. The more the person gives himself up to the experience, the more he or she opens up to what Californian massage qualifies as the “touch of the heart”.


Our nude massages begin with a basic Californian massage adapted to the different naturist protocols.


The Californian massage appeared in the early 1970s, in the era of the emergence of therapy groups where potential human development, sentimental expression of feelings and link between body and mind primed. Various forms of therapies and several bodily techniques were born there.


The Californian massage technique was created by Margaret Elke. She was inspired by the gentleness of the Esalen massage which she combined with a more inner and emotional approach. She taught the technique in the United States and then in France, among other things as a complementary tool to psychotherapeutic work. The technique has been popularized since the 1980s.

Erotic Massage Parlors by (SZEN) introduce You To a New Version Of The Californian Massage


The California massage is a standard relaxation massage in spas and wellness centers. It is best practiced between partners with long soft strokes which respect skin and the body’s sensitivity. This massage consists essentially of learning the art of touch to provide the body with a sense of well-being and relaxation.


This massage is mainly focused on three areas of the body:

  • The massage of the bust
  • The belly massage
  • The back massage


Our masseuses are awaiting you to introduce our exclusive version of the Californian massage in our institutes (SZEN).